
5-12-2024 20:05:29 Kame: I'm off now. Thx for the games ! Good afternoon
5-12-2024 20:06:11 anna.maria: Okey dokey. Thank you as well. Have a great rest of your day!!
6-12-2024 17:06:08 Kame: ewomaticHi
6-12-2024 21:37:33 squirreled: hi.. oops
6-12-2024 21:45:47 anna.maria: Hey, how are you??
6-12-2024 21:53:11 squirreled: hey, good. you?
6-12-2024 21:53:18 squirreled: sorry didnt realize it would put us both in the rta
6-12-2024 21:53:33 anna.maria: I'm ok.
6-12-2024 21:53:53 anna.maria: That's ok. I was surprised when it popped up like that. Lol.
6-12-2024 21:54:20 anna.maria: If you wanna do the RTA you can start first and I will wait til you're in your match.
6-12-2024 21:54:44 squirreled: cool thx
6-12-2024 21:54:50 squirreled: I'll play a few until it is too frustrating
6-12-2024 21:55:14 anna.maria: Okey dokey.
6-12-2024 22:12:40 anna.maria: Sorry, I didn't realize you were in that match with me and I rage quit. Lol.
6-12-2024 22:14:11 squirreled: ha np. if only I hit the shell kick at the end!
6-12-2024 22:19:52 anna.maria: Rough start for both of us.
6-12-2024 22:20:13 squirreled: yeah and I accidentally exited the coin cache
6-12-2024 22:29:52 squirreled: GG
6-12-2024 22:30:08 anna.maria: GG
6-12-2024 22:31:07 squirreled: bbl
7-12-2024 18:11:50 Kame: ewomaticHi
8-12-2024 2:17:07 HTH: Hey everyone, we're currently playing games at - Come join us in continuing our interest!
8-12-2024 3:19:46 [Server Announcement]:
HTH has activated a SPECIAL EVENT!
8-12-2024 19:08:32 Kame: ewomaticHi Can I join you or are you testing something ?
8-12-2024 19:08:48 ffsaga2: yes
8-12-2024 19:17:09 Kame: Ok... Interesting bot !
8-12-2024 19:17:45 ffsaga2: is free RTA
8-12-2024 19:18:04 Kame: Yeah
8-12-2024 19:18:12 ffsaga2: But no reward
8-12-2024 19:18:13 Kame: But it ends at 7 mins
8-12-2024 19:19:31 Kame: lol I forgot to kill ennemies to have time
8-12-2024 19:19:37 ffsaga2: need fix
8-12-2024 19:21:10 Kame: Ok. Thanks for working hard on our favorite game !
8-12-2024 23:45:29 *Joshy*: Squirreled you kicked fucking ass at the tournament, stoked for another strong contender!!!
8-12-2024 23:47:35 №™³: seconded. ggs squirreled!
8-12-2024 23:51:31 squirreled: thanks!!
8-12-2024 23:53:04 *Joshy*: Notme, what a great tournament yesterday man - congrats again
8-12-2024 23:58:24 squirreled: sorry bup my bowser got ya
8-12-2024 23:58:33 bup69: bup
9-12-2024 0:02:00 №™³: ty joshy, pleasure as always monkasteermonkasteermonkasteer
9-12-2024 0:16:08 squirreled: oops
9-12-2024 0:16:29 bup69: that fall hurt my soul, squirrel
9-12-2024 0:16:43 squirreled: haha yeah :(
9-12-2024 0:32:59 squirreled: pit pit pit
9-12-2024 0:33:12 squirreled: good games, thanks. bbl
9-12-2024 11:12:28 *Joshy*: Hey clutz!
9-12-2024 11:21:28 *Joshy*: We both went out at the same time
9-12-2024 11:21:36 Clutz450: lol. Thats funny,
9-12-2024 11:22:08 Clutz450: Yeah, I just got home from work and was putting something together for ffsaga when I got the notification that a match was starting and decided to join in.
9-12-2024 11:22:19 *Joshy*: Wanna have another?
9-12-2024 11:22:44 Clutz450: Nah, Its 6am for me and I've been awake since 10am yesterday. lol.
9-12-2024 11:22:49 Clutz450: I need sleep.
9-12-2024 11:23:01 *Joshy*: Have a great sleep man
9-12-2024 11:23:11 Clutz450: But check out what I wrote in the software channel to see what I figured out how to do in Ryujinx when it comes to his mods.
9-12-2024 11:23:17 Clutz450: Thanks. Enjoy the rest of your games.
9-12-2024 11:23:31 *Joshy*: Okay I will :)
12-12-2024 4:24:16 citron: does this work on yuzu?
12-12-2024 17:18:13 Kame: ewomaticHi
12-12-2024 17:47:01 Adrenaline: Sorry off
12-12-2024 17:48:49 Kame: ? ffsaga ?
12-12-2024 18:06:57 ffsaga2: Thanks for test
12-12-2024 18:07:20 Kame: Ended in 8-2. Felt like a real RTA ! Good job :)
12-12-2024 18:07:35 Kame: You're welcome :)
12-12-2024 21:31:30 Kame: GG
12-12-2024 21:31:39 ffsaga2: GG
12-12-2024 21:33:04 Kame: It's late for me now. Thanks for the game ! Was a good one ! Cya
14-12-2024 16:12:02 Kame: ewomaticHi
14-12-2024 20:44:08 Adrenaline: ewmaticPalm
14-12-2024 20:44:43 Adrenaline: ewomaticHi
14-12-2024 20:47:23 Adrenaline: Gg
14-12-2024 20:55:15 Adrenaline: you know about the secret shop
14-12-2024 20:55:21 Adrenaline: ???
14-12-2024 21:32:02 Adrenaline: press X to use coins, you can't walk/run small in the game
14-12-2024 21:48:56 Adrenaline: Kaprator where you from?
15-12-2024 1:52:06 HTH: Hey everyone, we're currently playing games at - Come join us in continuing our interest!
15-12-2024 11:20:33 *Joshy*: Hey everyone, we're currently playing games at - Come join us in continuing our interest!
15-12-2024 12:25:56 [Server Announcement]:
*Joshy* has beaten the RTA Challenge and has earned 200,000 coins!
16-12-2024 17:59:49 Logamer: ewomaticHi
16-12-2024 18:05:47 Kame: Hey Logamer ! Ca fait longtemps. comment ca va ?
16-12-2024 18:06:46 Logamer: Hey Kame ! Oui ca va bien merci et toi ?
16-12-2024 18:07:16 Kame: Bien, un peu malade. Y a un pti virus qui traine en ce moment
16-12-2024 18:07:19 Logamer: Hi karpator ewomaticHi
16-12-2024 18:07:23 Kame: Hi karpa
16-12-2024 18:10:16 Kame: GG
16-12-2024 18:10:20 Logamer: GG
16-12-2024 18:20:22 Logamer: GG
16-12-2024 18:20:25 Logamer:
16-12-2024 18:21:09 Kame: GG
16-12-2024 18:32:21 Logamer: GG
16-12-2024 18:32:32 Kame: GG
16-12-2024 18:40:00 Logamer: GG
16-12-2024 18:40:12 Kame: GG
16-12-2024 18:42:18 Kame: Lol j'etais pas concentré !
16-12-2024 18:42:38 Logamer: xD
16-12-2024 18:54:21 Kame: GG
16-12-2024 18:54:27 Logamer: GG
16-12-2024 18:55:03 Kame: Bon j'y vais. C'était trop cool !!! J'espère qu'on se refera ca bientôt. Salut
16-12-2024 18:56:07 Logamer: Okay yep c'était trop cool !!! J'espère aussi salut :)
16-12-2024 19:02:49 Logamer: GG
16-12-2024 19:09:19 Logamer: My last game :)
16-12-2024 19:12:29 Logamer: Thanks for the games cya :)
17-12-2024 18:28:47 Logamer: ewomaticHi
17-12-2024 18:28:55 Kame: ewomaticHi
17-12-2024 18:30:20 Kame: GG
17-12-2024 18:30:36 Logamer: GG
17-12-2024 18:33:44 Kame: GG
17-12-2024 18:33:50 Logamer: GG
17-12-2024 18:44:15 Logamer: GG
17-12-2024 18:44:25 Kame: GG
17-12-2024 18:45:12 Logamer: j'en fait encore 1 ou 2 :)
17-12-2024 18:45:42 Kame: Oki. Parfait :)
17-12-2024 18:50:30 Logamer: GG
17-12-2024 18:50:36 Kame: Oh Keskicépassé ?
17-12-2024 18:50:38 Logamer:
17-12-2024 18:50:42 Kame: GG
17-12-2024 18:50:53 Kame: Aie !
17-12-2024 18:51:02 Logamer: Tombé 😂
17-12-2024 19:01:38 Logamer: GG
17-12-2024 19:02:02 Kame: GG
17-12-2024 19:02:25 Kame: Super games ! Bon app ! A plus :)
17-12-2024 19:02:28 Logamer: Merci pour les games c'etait cool bonne soiree a plus :)
17-12-2024 19:02:50 Logamer: Merci bon app a toi aussi :)
18-12-2024 7:21:58 *Joshy*: Nwa can you see this?
18-12-2024 7:58:20 Veeb: Why is my game bugged?
18-12-2024 7:58:40 Veeb: I cant join matches
18-12-2024 8:29:53 *Joshy*: Is it working?
18-12-2024 8:30:16 RyuPlayer: yeah
18-12-2024 8:30:27 RyuPlayer: on different porile no wtho
18-12-2024 8:30:33 RyuPlayer: tho*
18-12-2024 8:45:52 Veeb: there
18-12-2024 8:49:25 Veeb: what is nwa
18-12-2024 8:50:04 Veeb: I just realised how bad i spelt profile
18-12-2024 11:21:57 *Joshy*: I'll come in to play when my kids fall asleep
18-12-2024 11:22:07 *Joshy*: We just spectate one another after we die
18-12-2024 11:27:04 *Joshy*: I'm firing them off because I have unlimited coins, if you don't want that let me know
18-12-2024 11:27:09 Veeb: switched color to blue
18-12-2024 19:38:57 Clutz450: @ffsaga Are you still playing?
18-12-2024 19:50:39 Clutz450: Sorry. Took me a minute to realize what was going on. Sorry to whoever I was sending enemies to. Lol.
18-12-2024 21:41:17 Wingcapman: !classic speedrun
18-12-2024 21:41:50 Wingcapman: Ah I see
18-12-2024 23:54:50 *Joshy*: Hey Liam can you read this?
19-12-2024 1:04:16 Veeb: i forgot to give myself fire flower
19-12-2024 1:06:15 *Joshy*: Veeb :)
19-12-2024 1:06:28 *Joshy*: Let's do a bigger replay next
19-12-2024 1:06:38 *Joshy*: Spectate each other if we die :)
19-12-2024 1:09:47 Veeb: k
19-12-2024 1:09:54 Veeb: whats a replay
19-12-2024 1:10:02 Veeb: I just started playing
19-12-2024 1:35:07 Veeb: turn on no injects and 50 people join
19-12-2024 1:35:13 Veeb: lol
19-12-2024 1:47:44 ●REC: @Veeb Now that you have added a bot to a game on your own, ●REC will no longer automatically join the match when you are matchmaking. If you’d still like ●REC to join the match, you must change to a new username. In addition to adding bots, you can also start replay matches where you can play against recordings of previous tournament matches as described here:
19-12-2024 1:54:44 Veeb: why is it that when I turn off injects 10 people appear out of nowhere like the amount of clients jumped as if they spawned in?
19-12-2024 6:08:26 *Joshy*: Hey man, no injects is a replay - it goes into a previously played game
19-12-2024 6:08:41 Veeb: OH
19-12-2024 6:08:49 *Joshy*: And it's the best way to practice
19-12-2024 6:09:10 Veeb: okay I had no clue what it meant so I was confused
19-12-2024 6:09:11 *Joshy*: If you'd like to have coins so you don't have to grind, message HTH and he will give you 50000 to start
19-12-2024 6:09:23 *Joshy*: Then you can do replays and rtas to get going
19-12-2024 6:09:55 Veeb: Im okay
19-12-2024 6:10:37 *Joshy*: Awesome! This Saturday at 6pm est I'm hosting the weekly tournament if you'd like to play with people:)
19-12-2024 6:10:59 *Joshy*: That's what these replays are built off of
19-12-2024 6:11:00 Veeb: Okay :)
19-12-2024 6:11:20 *Joshy*: Would you like me to fire off replays when I see you on here?
19-12-2024 6:11:46 Veeb: Im alright im not sure if ill attend the tournament
19-12-2024 6:11:54 Veeb: just playing for fun
19-12-2024 6:12:15 *Joshy*: The tournament's are definitely just for fun :)
19-12-2024 6:12:26 Veeb: okay then maybe
19-12-2024 6:51:47 *Joshy*: So this is firing a replay, we typically spectate other human players after dying
19-12-2024 6:51:54 *Joshy*: I'm in with you
19-12-2024 6:54:30 Veeb: okay
19-12-2024 7:06:03 *Joshy*: I died right before you :)
19-12-2024 7:14:35 *Joshy*: Just as a heads up, there were no other human players in there, but always for strats
19-12-2024 14:58:10 HTH: tournaments are more like weekly gatherings of players. Just a known time to get some games against more real people. All skill levels are welcome and it's very low key.
19-12-2024 16:35:13 HTH: switched color to yellow
19-12-2024 16:57:50 Logamer: !classic speedrun
19-12-2024 18:06:43 Logamer: ewomaticHi
19-12-2024 18:06:59 Kame: ewomaticHi
19-12-2024 18:07:12 Logamer: Tu veux 1v1 ou speedrun ou replay ? :)
19-12-2024 18:12:41 Logamer: GG
19-12-2024 18:12:44 Kame: GG
19-12-2024 18:13:14 Kame: Je préfère les 1vs1vsREC mais si tu veux un classic speedrun n'hésite pas !
19-12-2024 18:13:45 Logamer: j'en ferais apres !
19-12-2024 18:13:54 Kame: oki
19-12-2024 18:14:12 Logamer: peut etre ma derniere je devra bientot manger
19-12-2024 18:14:34 Logamer: je rejourais peut etre apres
19-12-2024 18:16:05 Logamer:
19-12-2024 18:16:19 Kame: Aie !
19-12-2024 18:16:46 Logamer: ewomaticHi
19-12-2024 18:17:00 Kame: Hey ffsaga !
19-12-2024 18:17:47 Kame: Ne sélectionne pas "aléatoire" dans les attaque, pour que les ennemis n'arrivent que sur REC
19-12-2024 18:18:02 Logamer: ok :)
19-12-2024 18:19:18 Kame: ah en fait fais ce que tu veux !
19-12-2024 18:25:35 Logamer: GG
19-12-2024 18:25:43 Kame: I thought it was classic speedrun. It was Special battle N°24
19-12-2024 18:25:47 Kame: GG
19-12-2024 18:26:04 Logamer: I'm going to eat I'll play again in about 10 minutes :)
19-12-2024 18:26:13 Kame: ok
19-12-2024 18:37:03 Logamer: I'm back
19-12-2024 18:56:19 Kame: T allé vite ! Je mange à mon tour. Je reviens après
19-12-2024 18:57:15 Logamer: ok !
19-12-2024 19:16:14 Kame: Re :)
19-12-2024 19:16:37 Logamer: re :)
19-12-2024 19:21:24 Logamer:
19-12-2024 19:22:06 Logamer: GG
19-12-2024 19:22:13 Kame: GG
19-12-2024 19:30:01 Kame: GG
19-12-2024 19:30:39 Logamer: GG
19-12-2024 19:40:46 Kame: Une fois sur 2 j'oublie d'aller dans le tuyau en 1-1
19-12-2024 19:41:31 Logamer: sa m'arrive des fois xD
19-12-2024 19:46:52 Logamer: GG
19-12-2024 19:46:53 Kame: Argh
19-12-2024 19:47:00 Kame: GG
19-12-2024 19:47:25 Logamer: j'ai aussi raté le saut mais au 8-1 xD
19-12-2024 19:49:28 Logamer: encore mais au 1-2 mtn xD
19-12-2024 19:49:32 Logamer:
19-12-2024 19:54:16 Logamer: GG!
19-12-2024 19:54:55 Kame: Bon, gros reflexe en 8-3 de prendre la roulette. G qd meme continué
19-12-2024 19:55:39 Logamer: c l'habitude xD
19-12-2024 19:58:08 Logamer: lakitucraigAh
19-12-2024 20:00:11 Kame: lol
19-12-2024 20:00:27 Logamer: xD
19-12-2024 20:00:47 Kame: Ma dernière
19-12-2024 20:01:02 Logamer: okay :)
19-12-2024 20:04:45 Logamer:
19-12-2024 20:05:40 Logamer: GG
19-12-2024 20:06:06 Logamer: merci pour les games c'était fun ! Bonne soirée :)
19-12-2024 20:06:13 Kame: Merci pour les games ! Et félicitations pour ton record au speedrun !!!
19-12-2024 20:06:26 Logamer: merci !!!
20-12-2024 12:26:15 Logamer: ewomaticHi
21-12-2024 4:19:06 [Server Announcement]:
HoHoHo has beaten the RTA Challenge and has earned 200,000 coins!
21-12-2024 14:27:53 HTH: Nice one HoHoHo! craigOOOO
21-12-2024 14:55:20 Kame: ewomaticHi
21-12-2024 14:55:28 HTH: KonCha
21-12-2024 14:55:51 HTH: hit up a little practice mode to work on my routes, lets see if it pays off LUL
21-12-2024 15:01:34 HTH: so close LUL
21-12-2024 15:02:14 Kame: Yep lol I had to try to go into the hammers !
21-12-2024 15:03:21 Kame: Gonna try to follow you now
21-12-2024 15:03:59 Kame: And I forgot the pipe !!! notLikeThis
21-12-2024 15:04:57 Kame: Hi Liam
21-12-2024 15:06:24 HTH: dang
21-12-2024 15:06:31 HTH: that was good pace
21-12-2024 15:07:05 Kame: Too bad ! Was a good job. I didn't know about how to climb the stairs with lakitu in 8-2
21-12-2024 15:07:50 HTH: yeah it's pretty precise. Wingcapman posted a vid in #strategy where you can see it. There's not a lot of room for error and you usually die if you screw it up
21-12-2024 15:12:41 HTH: not a great bro seed
21-12-2024 15:14:12 Kame: redTimer
21-12-2024 15:14:13 HTH: GG
21-12-2024 15:17:48 Kame: I'm gonna stop now. Be back later ! Thanks for the runs !
21-12-2024 15:18:00 HTH: i got to go too, that was fun GG
21-12-2024 15:18:14 Kame: GG
21-12-2024 17:44:59 Adrenaline: ewomaticHi
21-12-2024 17:54:31 Kame: ewomaticHi
21-12-2024 17:55:10 Adrenaline: 3 minutes pls
21-12-2024 17:58:14 Kame: Ok :)
21-12-2024 18:01:52 Adrenaline: Go
21-12-2024 18:09:21 Kame: Adre, you can go. Start small and don't select random
21-12-2024 18:09:32 Kame: It's a speedrun like in smb 1
21-12-2024 18:13:52 HTH: GG
21-12-2024 18:14:10 Adrenaline: Гг
21-12-2024 18:15:39 Adrenaline: Hth?
21-12-2024 18:37:37 Adrenaline: Ok
21-12-2024 18:50:12 Adrenaline: I list. This message
21-12-2024 18:50:30 Adrenaline: Run
21-12-2024 18:51:34 Kame: Sorry Adrenaline. I have to go. Thx for the games !
21-12-2024 18:51:56 Adrenaline: thank for game
21-12-2024 22:54:33 *Joshy*: Hey everyone, we're currently playing games at - Come join us in continuing our interest!
21-12-2024 23:15:08 PeterSvP: died to controller lag
22-12-2024 0:36:29 ●REC: @PeterSvP Now that you have added a bot to a game on your own, ●REC will no longer automatically join the match when you are matchmaking. If you’d still like ●REC to join the match, you must change to a new username. In addition to adding bots, you can also start replay matches where you can play against recordings of previous tournament matches as described here:
22-12-2024 1:19:14 №™³: pit! restart!
22-12-2024 1:22:08 №™³: sorry peter, you were queued too early
22-12-2024 1:26:15 PeterSvP: pit!
22-12-2024 2:02:31 PeterSvP:
22-12-2024 2:02:46 PeterSvP: pit!
22-12-2024 3:57:37 DarkStar: Ooh! NotMe joined!
22-12-2024 4:36:01 squirreled: GG close one
22-12-2024 4:36:31 DarkStar: gg! Good round.
22-12-2024 4:36:40 DarkStar: Tine got me.
22-12-2024 4:36:49 DarkStar: * Time
22-12-2024 12:16:34 Adrenaline: ewomaticHi
22-12-2024 12:27:11 Adrenaline: friends, where are the new players?? something activity is weak
22-12-2024 12:28:06 Adrenaline: I would happily come in more often and follow the rules. if there was someone to play with instead of by yourself
22-12-2024 12:40:20 PeterSvP: Adrenaline, yesterday there were tournaments, join the discord, and if you still know SMB35 help us get more players
22-12-2024 12:40:58 PeterSvP: @Adrenaline im loading....
22-12-2024 12:46:02 PeterSvP: rec_restart
22-12-2024 12:46:24 PeterSvP: join-always-PeterSvP
22-12-2024 13:01:22 [Server Announcement]:
HTH. awarded 100000 coins to PeterSvP !
22-12-2024 13:02:45 HTH.: ^ coins from the coin bank
22-12-2024 13:17:14 PeterSvP: Yeah thanks :P
22-12-2024 13:17:23 PeterSvP: I was in some game :P
22-12-2024 14:47:10 Adrenaline: Ok.
22-12-2024 14:48:01 HTH: want to do replays or just regular matches?
22-12-2024 14:48:19 Adrenaline: Ok
22-12-2024 15:13:46 Adrenaline: Hth you monster
22-12-2024 15:14:00 HTH: haha i wasn't even close to those last 2 either
22-12-2024 15:14:22 HTH: i got to head out thanks for the games
22-12-2024 15:14:37 Adrenaline: Ok. Thank
22-12-2024 18:46:52 [Server Announcement]:
bkjvalley has purchased the [VIP Card] upgrade!
22-12-2024 18:48:50 bkjvalley: ewomaticHi
22-12-2024 18:48:58 squirreled: hey
22-12-2024 18:53:59 squirreled: I had no luck on that one
22-12-2024 19:33:09 squirreled: GG bowser party, ran out of time
22-12-2024 19:34:10 bkjvalley: GG
22-12-2024 20:04:12 Kame: Congrats bkjvalley thisIsFinepeepoClapcatJAMGG
22-12-2024 20:28:16 PeterSvP: Died on 5-3 in pit on the RTA challenge
22-12-2024 21:02:29 №™³: BKJ!!!!blobDancepartyKirbypartyKirbyblobDance
22-12-2024 21:11:58 PeterSvP: died to input lag :D
23-12-2024 2:06:16 squirreled: shafted
23-12-2024 3:04:56 HTH: policecopscatJAM congrats on VIP bkj catJAMcopspolice
23-12-2024 14:07:26 GreenishBT: WOMP
23-12-2024 14:09:41 HTH: Do you know how to do the replay matches GreenishBT?
23-12-2024 14:11:20 GreenishBT: No
23-12-2024 14:14:43 HTH: start a match and I'll get one for you
23-12-2024 14:14:48 GreenishBT: Is it like a command or something?
23-12-2024 14:15:08 HTH: have you clicked on !secretshop below this chat and setup an account?
23-12-2024 14:15:17 GreenishBT: Yes
23-12-2024 14:16:13 HTH: If you go to the secreth shot, under the Items tab, redeem No Injects and this is what it will do. It's a recording of a past match to play against. The gameplay is pretty good. The goal is to outlast all the recorded players
23-12-2024 14:16:52 HTH: !secretshop not screth shot :)
23-12-2024 14:19:38 HTH: all those redeems work after you start matchmaking
23-12-2024 14:19:50 ffsaga2: @GreenishBT Now that you have added a bot to a game on your own, ●REC will no longer automatically join the match when you are matchmaking. If you’d still like ●REC to join the match, you must change to a new username. In addition to adding bots, you can also start replay matches where you can play against recordings of previous tournament matches as described here:
23-12-2024 14:20:36 HTH: woo nice looks like you found the shop, have fun exploring those.
23-12-2024 14:53:29 GreenishBT: switched color to green
23-12-2024 17:45:03 gp: Yo yo yo
23-12-2024 21:11:47 squirreled:
23-12-2024 21:12:46 bkjvalley: yeah that 6-3 had a bad bullet bill pattern
24-12-2024 15:01:42 PeterSvP: hello :)
24-12-2024 15:04:54 PeterSvP: Adrenaline, died to input lag
24-12-2024 15:05:01 PeterSvP: lets play again ;d ;d
24-12-2024 15:05:39 Adrenaline: hello
24-12-2024 15:06:54 Adrenaline: do you know about secretshop?
24-12-2024 15:10:39 PeterSvP: I know almost everything about the base game and the server.
24-12-2024 15:10:57 PeterSvP: I am trying my best to not send you annoying enemies, but replays killed me with hammer bros :D
24-12-2024 15:12:31 PeterSvP: ehat is your favorite level?
24-12-2024 15:13:25 PeterSvP: CASTLE MODE
24-12-2024 15:14:28 PeterSvP: ahahahah NO WAY ! :D
24-12-2024 15:14:36 PeterSvP: i died to my oen bowser :D
24-12-2024 15:14:48 Adrenaline: Lol press x coins
24-12-2024 15:14:51 PeterSvP: soo, tell me what are yor fav levls?
24-12-2024 15:15:39 Adrenaline: 2-1. 3-2.5-1.5-2.4-2. 1-4
24-12-2024 15:16:13 PeterSvP: !2-1, 3-2, 5-1, 5-2, 4-2, 1-4
24-12-2024 15:16:34 PeterSvP: okay lets play them ;d
24-12-2024 15:17:05 PeterSvP: you can use commands in the discord matchmaker control channel
24-12-2024 15:17:20 PeterSvP: #make-queues
24-12-2024 15:21:18 PeterSvP: Nice! :P
24-12-2024 15:23:40 Adrenaline: and I'm not a strong player. and I play on dualsense and not on PC
24-12-2024 15:32:08 Adrenaline: Last game
24-12-2024 15:37:25 PeterSvP: i hat to take delivery
24-12-2024 15:37:37 PeterSvP: im usig xbox elite over bluetooth on PC / emulated
24-12-2024 16:34:46 Kame: ewomaticHi
24-12-2024 16:44:29 squirreled: ewomaticHi
25-12-2024 6:00:53 №™³: craigOooh SANTA?!? craigOooh
25-12-2024 6:07:48 HoHoHo: Merry Christmas!!!
25-12-2024 6:08:05 HoHoHo: catJAM
25-12-2024 6:08:30 №™³: blobDancepartyKirbyblobDance
26-12-2024 16:46:43 ffsaga2: @darkgame92 Now that you have added a bot to a game on your own, ●REC will no longer automatically join the match when you are matchmaking. If you’d still like ●REC to join the match, you must change to a new username. In addition to adding bots, you can also start replay matches where you can play against recordings of previous tournament matches as described here:
26-12-2024 17:00:27 darkgame92: !classic speedrun
26-12-2024 17:04:19 darkgame92: Okay i works nice 😅
26-12-2024 17:04:28 darkgame92: It*
27-12-2024 18:36:44 Kame: ewomaticHi
27-12-2024 18:37:26 darkgame92: ewomaticHi
27-12-2024 19:01:04 darkgame92: gg Kame 😊
27-12-2024 19:01:15 Kame: GG
27-12-2024 19:01:21 mg mariko: I endurance 10 mins -KBH
27-12-2024 19:02:01 mg mariko: well I got some good star spam, gg -KBH
27-12-2024 22:49:56 KBH かずひさ★: there's my actual name now
27-12-2024 22:56:09 darkgame92: !feeeRTA
27-12-2024 23:40:57 KBH かずひさ★: switched color to blue
27-12-2024 23:50:59 darkgame92: switched color to midnightblue
28-12-2024 17:15:20 Kame: ewomaticHi
28-12-2024 22:40:53 pzyko103: Hey everyone, we're currently playing games at - Come join us in continuing our interest!
29-12-2024 14:33:50 Adrenaline: how to beat rec* after level 100 i.e. a star level? I don't succeed, even though I try to beat him with coins
29-12-2024 15:16:02 Kame: Hi Adre ! You just have to be safe during around 5 minutes. Then the game will end with REC's death and you'll earn around 200 coins if you've been starting the game with small Mario
29-12-2024 15:33:58 Kame: 2000 coins*
29-12-2024 18:15:46 Kame: ewomaticHi
29-12-2024 18:16:33 Kame: I'll play against REC, waiting for the end of your game
29-12-2024 18:21:23 darkgame92: ewomaticHi can i also join?
29-12-2024 18:22:01 darkgame92: switched color to lime
29-12-2024 18:22:48 squirreled: hey, ok. I need a couple mins
29-12-2024 18:24:07 Kame: Cool :)
29-12-2024 18:26:16 Kame: @Adrenaline I had a 6 min 26 sec game against REC. I didn't win. Maybe it changed...
29-12-2024 18:26:25 squirreled: ok ready
29-12-2024 18:26:36 Kame: Me too
29-12-2024 18:27:20 Kame: Nice ! blobDancepartyKirbycatJAM
29-12-2024 18:38:04 squirreled: fireball ate my jump! GG
29-12-2024 18:38:27 darkgame92: gg :)
29-12-2024 18:38:35 Kame: Ouch ! GG
29-12-2024 18:46:31 darkgame92: I need more practice 🤣🤣
29-12-2024 18:50:09 Kame: GG
29-12-2024 18:50:14 squirreled: GG! I was so close to death the whole game haha
29-12-2024 18:50:27 darkgame92: gg
29-12-2024 18:50:34 squirreled: thanks, I'm going to have lunch now, bbl
29-12-2024 18:50:43 Kame: Wish I could stay longer but I have to go. Thx for the games. Cya
29-12-2024 18:51:15 darkgame92: Cya see you next time 😊
30-12-2024 9:04:35 Kame: ewomaticHi
30-12-2024 9:05:23 darkgame92: Hi
30-12-2024 9:13:50 darkgame92: gg
30-12-2024 9:14:13 Kame: GG
30-12-2024 9:20:26 Kame: I take 5 mins break
30-12-2024 9:23:26 darkgame92: Okay i am off sorry need to eat something. And than i away during the holidays. See you next year have a nice time 😊
30-12-2024 9:25:16 Kame: Np. Have a good time too ! :)
30-12-2024 16:13:56 Adrenaline: Hello
30-12-2024 17:29:22 Adrenaline: Go?
30-12-2024 17:30:15 Kame: Hi ! I'll be back in a few minutes
30-12-2024 17:33:37 Kame: I'm back !
30-12-2024 17:34:56 Adrenaline: Good
30-12-2024 17:41:12 Kame: GG
30-12-2024 17:54:50 Kame: GG
30-12-2024 17:55:22 Adrenaline: Dont like - sun(((
30-12-2024 17:56:17 Adrenaline: Last game
30-12-2024 17:56:33 Kame: Oki :)
30-12-2024 18:01:07 Kame: Thx for the games Adre ! Cya
1-1-2025 6:39:03 Paf: hello
1-1-2025 6:40:06 Paf: I got the game to run on suyu and all, since the provided source fork runs at under 5fps, but it doesn't show the level. not sure how I could get this to work at this point
1-1-2025 23:03:52 yuzu: HELLO!!!!
1-1-2025 23:04:08 yuzu: I FINALLY GOT IT WORKING
1-1-2025 23:04:18 yuzu: ready?
1-1-2025 23:04:42 yuzu: monkasteer
1-1-2025 23:05:39 yuzu: ? it didnt work
1-1-2025 23:05:55 yuzu: REC does it work for u
1-1-2025 23:12:24 RyuPlayer: ok i think i got it fixed
1-1-2025 23:12:39 RyuPlayer: oh hi novato
1-1-2025 23:12:49 RyuPlayer: oh he left
1-1-2025 23:19:03 ●REC: @RyuPlayer Now that you have added a bot to a game on your own, ●REC will no longer automatically join the match when you are matchmaking. If you’d still like ●REC to join the match, you must change to a new username. In addition to adding bots, you can also start replay matches where you can play against recordings of previous tournament matches as described here:
1-1-2025 23:28:08 RyuPlayer:
1-1-2025 23:30:55 ZavokZeti: hello
1-1-2025 23:34:04 ZavokZeti: whoops
1-1-2025 23:34:53 ZavokZeti: bot party?
1-1-2025 23:35:24 ZavokZeti: oh hi
1-1-2025 23:36:43 ZavokZeti: uhhh whoops
2-1-2025 15:19:09 darkgame92: ewomaticHi
2-1-2025 20:58:25 ZavokZeti: hello
2-1-2025 20:58:55 ●REC: @ZavokZeti Now that you have added a bot to a game on your own, ●REC will no longer automatically join the match when you are matchmaking. If you’d still like ●REC to join the match, you must change to a new username. In addition to adding bots, you can also start replay matches where you can play against recordings of previous tournament matches as described here:
2-1-2025 20:59:03 ZavokZeti: wait what
2-1-2025 20:59:11 ZavokZeti: it's just one bot
2-1-2025 21:11:40 HTH: you can turn it back on if you want. The bot is mainly so any new people see that games can be played at any time. If you go to the above discord, there's a way to turn the REC bot back on, and to create custom queues with as many bots/levels as you want. Or you can just change your name on the switch and it will join again.
3-1-2025 2:28:32 [Server Announcement]:
wotsuh_ has beaten the RTA Challenge and has earned 200,000 coins!
3-1-2025 12:03:58 *Joshy*: !classic speedrun
4-1-2025 1:04:27 Dom25: switched color to blue
4-1-2025 1:04:32 Dom25: switched color to cyan
4-1-2025 3:42:29 Dom25: partyKirby
4-1-2025 3:45:01 ●REC: @Dom25 Now that you have added a bot to a game on your own, ●REC will no longer automatically join the match when you are matchmaking. If you’d still like ●REC to join the match, you must change to a new username. In addition to adding bots, you can also start replay matches where you can play against recordings of previous tournament matches as described here:
4-1-2025 4:22:44 Dom25: spagSauce
4-1-2025 6:58:31 Kame: ewomaticHi
4-1-2025 7:01:49 №™³: ewomaticHi
4-1-2025 7:23:50 №™³: LUL that just bumped me up on the coin leaderboard
4-1-2025 7:24:17 Kame: Wow nice !!! GG
4-1-2025 8:35:59 Kame: ewomaticHi
4-1-2025 10:14:43 *Joshy*: Aw just missed!
4-1-2025 10:14:52 Kame: Hey !
4-1-2025 10:16:01 Kame: Let's go lakitulakitulakitu
4-1-2025 10:18:04 Kame: How did I do that ? A pit in 1-1...D:
4-1-2025 10:18:47 Kame: Thx
4-1-2025 10:18:59 Kame: Let's restart it seriously
4-1-2025 10:33:29 Kame: GG
4-1-2025 12:01:38 (Joshy): @phunq Now that you have added a bot to a game on your own, ●REC will no longer automatically join the match when you are matchmaking. If you’d still like ●REC to join the match, you must change to a new username. In addition to adding bots, you can also start replay matches where you can play against recordings of previous tournament matches as described here:
4-1-2025 12:18:08 phunq: !classic speedrun
4-1-2025 16:14:41 [Server Announcement]:
wotsuh_ has beaten the RTA Challenge and has earned 200,000 coins!
4-1-2025 17:35:31 Kame: ewomaticHi
4-1-2025 17:39:55 phunq: hello!
5-1-2025 2:01:30 pzyko103: Hey everyone, we're currently playing games at - Come join us in continuing our interest!
5-1-2025 2:33:10 [Server Announcement]:
№™³ has activated a SPECIAL EVENT!
5-1-2025 3:13:06 [Server Announcement]:
№™³ has activated a SPECIAL EVENT!
5-1-2025 3:23:06 [Server Announcement]:
№™³ has activated a SPECIAL EVENT!
5-1-2025 3:46:06 [Server Announcement]:
№™³ has activated a SPECIAL EVENT!
5-1-2025 22:28:55 Dom25: 3rd place
6-1-2025 4:18:09 №™³: cert expired
6-1-2025 13:50:29 INFO: Fixed, sorry for the delay
6-1-2025 14:00:45 bkjvalley: blobDancecatJAM
6-1-2025 15:18:31 pzyko103: 1st placeINFO1st place
6-1-2025 15:19:03 №™³: 1st placeINFO1st place
6-1-2025 16:55:07 №™³: (logged into the host acct and accidentally chatted as pzyko. my bad)
7-1-2025 12:19:41 Adrenaline: Hello friends, I want to tell you something interesting. This will not interest anyone from Ukraine, because it does not exist here! It is more common in Russia because it is closer to Japan and anyone who travels can get it!
7-1-2025 12:24:08 Adrenaline: I have an acquaintance, well, not a friend, but an acquaintance who has a sega saturn! the fact is that the possible purchase options are bad, either in our country or in Poland, it is expensive and only Japanese versions under 110 volts! and the friend has a European set-top box for 220 volts, there were many disks, but the cord was damaged and the joysticks were also damaged. But the carcass is working! why am I writing this to you, the saroo cartridge was recently released for this set-top bo
7-1-2025 12:25:42 Adrenaline: Bloggers say for the console that it is a failure, etc. But I am not interested in a set-top box from Japan! and the saroo cartridge allows you to play the games you download. support 95%
7-1-2025 12:29:13 Adrenaline: this console came as a gift from Italy! there were enough disks but now they cost a lot of money! and if you manage to get a Sega saturn carcass, it is a treasure. There are games that are not available on dream cast, etc. maybe the graphics are a bit bad, but the games there are unforgettable and they don't make them anymore! wonder if you can find this console! on dreamcats and others it has been relevant for a long time, but there is no interest, and on sega saturn hacking happened recently!
7-1-2025 12:32:12 Adrenaline: search maybe you can find your sega saturn! Eu. 220 volts European! everything else can be purchased additionally. You don't have to do anything except insert the expansion cartridge! The set-top box is for disks, but there are also cartridges, and it is through the cartridge that you will play games recorded on a micro sd
8-1-2025 12:25:26 darkgame92: ewomaticHi
8-1-2025 12:25:34 *Joshy*: Just saw your
8-1-2025 12:25:42 *Joshy*: Hey!
8-1-2025 12:25:51 *Joshy*: This is a classic speedrun
8-1-2025 12:26:01 *Joshy*: Can do one reply with you after rhjs
8-1-2025 12:26:13 *Joshy*: If you die spectate each other :)
8-1-2025 12:27:26 *Joshy*: Let's do a replay, but if you die spectate other human players
8-1-2025 12:28:20 darkgame92: Okay 😊
8-1-2025 12:44:24 darkgame92: gg
9-1-2025 12:02:30 *Joshy*: Hey man
9-1-2025 12:03:46 *Joshy*: Spec one another on death
9-1-2025 13:21:52 darkgame92: ewomaticHi
9-1-2025 13:22:18 darkgame92: Hi anyone?
9-1-2025 14:16:00 Adrenaline: ewomaticHi
10-1-2025 9:06:45 squirreled: nice 3rd place
11-1-2025 20:07:35 Kame: ewomaticHi
11-1-2025 20:15:44 Wingcapman: Hey hello Kame :) /
11-1-2025 20:22:45 Kame: Hi Wingcap ! :)
11-1-2025 20:23:46 Kame: Hope Neurotica's issues with her Switch won't last !
11-1-2025 20:31:16 bkjvalley: catJAMpartyKirby
11-1-2025 20:32:25 Kame: catJAMpartyKirby
11-1-2025 20:33:24 Kame: Hey everyone, we're currently playing games at - Come join us in continuing our interest!
11-1-2025 21:07:19 darkgame92: Can i still join i forgot the Start time :(
11-1-2025 21:18:39 bkjvalley: yeah, hop right on in
12-1-2025 5:00:47 *Joshy*: Hey novel, can you see this?
13-1-2025 1:43:19 novel: Yes

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