
14-7-2024 16:35:54 Kame: ewomaticHi
14-7-2024 16:36:00 SB1926: ewomaticHi
14-7-2024 16:40:27 Kame: GG
14-7-2024 16:40:34 Logamer: GG
14-7-2024 16:40:42 SB1926: peepoClap
14-7-2024 16:45:57 Logamer: GG
14-7-2024 16:46:02 Kame: GG
14-7-2024 16:46:15 SB1926: Lakitus are crazy haha
14-7-2024 16:46:21 SB1926: GG
14-7-2024 16:46:38 Logamer: yes xD
14-7-2024 16:52:27 Logamer: GG
14-7-2024 17:00:09 Logamer: GG
14-7-2024 17:06:55 SB1926: notLikeThis
14-7-2024 17:11:22 Kame: GG
14-7-2024 17:11:40 Kame: Gtg. Thx for the games ! Cya
14-7-2024 17:11:40 Logamer: GG
14-7-2024 17:11:50 SB1926: GG
14-7-2024 17:12:05 SB1926: cya later kame
14-7-2024 17:13:02 Logamer: thanks cya !
14-7-2024 17:17:15 Logamer: GG
14-7-2024 17:17:28 SB1926: Emulator disconnected :(
14-7-2024 17:17:45 SB1926: Last game for me
14-7-2024 17:18:34 Logamer: okayseemsGood
14-7-2024 17:18:57 Logamer: i have error
14-7-2024 17:19:08 Logamer: *
14-7-2024 17:19:40 SB1926: Same
14-7-2024 17:23:05 SB1926: BibleThump
14-7-2024 17:23:08 SB1926: GG
14-7-2024 17:23:31 Logamer: GG
14-7-2024 17:23:42 SB1926: Bye, hf!
14-7-2024 17:24:03 Logamer: thanks for the games bye !
15-7-2024 9:11:09 Logamer: ewomaticHi
15-7-2024 9:22:26 Kame: Salut ! Je vais pas pouvoir rester. M avec le RTA !
15-7-2024 9:23:15 Logamer: okay !
15-7-2024 10:05:01 *Joshy*: Kick ass logamer!
15-7-2024 10:07:41 Logamer: thanks
15-7-2024 10:09:20 Logamer: partyKirby
15-7-2024 19:19:41 Logamer: ewomaticHi
15-7-2024 19:20:15 Kame: Re ! Cool que tu sois là :)
15-7-2024 19:20:37 Logamer: re yep de meme ! :)
15-7-2024 19:30:53 Logamer: GG
15-7-2024 19:31:03 Logamer: cetait intense !
15-7-2024 19:31:07 Kame: GG Tas géré !
15-7-2024 19:31:17 Logamer: merci !
15-7-2024 19:34:46 Logamer: GG
15-7-2024 19:34:57 Kame: GG
15-7-2024 19:35:52 Kame: J'avais plein de poulpes au dessus de moi et un piti poisson qui avancait tranquillement face à moi...BibleThumpLUL
15-7-2024 19:36:27 Logamer: LUL
15-7-2024 19:39:27 Logamer: GG
15-7-2024 19:39:31 Kame: Bon j'en ai un peu marre des fruits de mer :p:D
15-7-2024 19:39:37 Kame: GG
15-7-2024 19:39:51 Logamer: LUL
15-7-2024 19:49:50 Kame: GG
15-7-2024 19:50:09 Logamer: GG
15-7-2024 19:53:09 Kame: GG
15-7-2024 19:53:19 Logamer: GG
15-7-2024 19:53:35 Kame: Décidément je crois que je vais faire une indigestion KEKW
15-7-2024 19:53:42 Logamer: encore c foutue poulpes pogsagnapogsagna
15-7-2024 19:54:08 Logamer: KEKW
15-7-2024 19:56:05 Logamer: cetait rapide xD GG
15-7-2024 19:56:26 Kame: GG
15-7-2024 20:07:48 Kame: GG
15-7-2024 20:07:55 Logamer: GG
15-7-2024 20:08:12 Logamer: il me rester 25sredTimerredTimerredTimer
15-7-2024 20:09:07 Kame: Ah merci pour l'info. Je me disais que tu gères trop bien le chrono à chaque fois
15-7-2024 20:10:40 Kame: GG
15-7-2024 20:10:45 Logamer: GG
15-7-2024 20:17:36 Kame: GG
15-7-2024 20:17:45 Logamer: GG
15-7-2024 20:18:17 Kame: Une dernière pour moi
15-7-2024 20:18:31 Logamer: okay seemsGood
15-7-2024 20:20:26 Kame: lol j'ai capitulé KEKW
15-7-2024 20:20:32 Kame: GG
15-7-2024 20:20:54 Logamer: KEKWGG
15-7-2024 20:21:06 Kame: J'arrive plus à rien mais bravo c'était cool ! Boone soirée. A plus
15-7-2024 20:21:44 Logamer: pas de souci sa arrive et yep ! Bonne soirée a toi a plus :)
16-7-2024 0:12:12 Óscar: d
16-7-2024 0:13:30 ●REC: @Óscar Now that you have added a bot to a game on your own, ●rec will no longer automatically join the match when you are matchmaking. If you’d still like @rec to join the match, you must change to a new username. In addition to adding bots, you can also start replay matches where you can play against recordings of previous tournament matches as described here:
16-7-2024 2:39:06 Dionicio3: !help
17-7-2024 14:54:59 Kame: ewomaticHi
17-7-2024 14:55:18 DLR_Gaming_: ewomaticHi
19-7-2024 8:55:42 Logamer: nice
19-7-2024 12:27:39 *Joshy*: Hey logamer, wanna play? I'd be happy to trade RTA specs, or do a replay
19-7-2024 12:29:17 Logamer: yes!
19-7-2024 12:29:37 *Joshy*: I can spec your RTA if you like
19-7-2024 12:29:53 *Joshy*: Start a new one
19-7-2024 12:30:43 Logamer: normal rta
19-7-2024 12:31:08 *Joshy*: Classic RTA?
19-7-2024 12:31:25 Logamer: yeah
19-7-2024 12:31:29 *Joshy*: I'll spec you
19-7-2024 12:40:14 *Joshy*: GT
19-7-2024 12:40:22 *Joshy*: Can I show you mine?
19-7-2024 12:40:31 Logamer: thank
19-7-2024 12:40:48 Logamer: yes
19-7-2024 12:52:01 *Joshy*: Haha well!
19-7-2024 12:52:02 Logamer: GT!
19-7-2024 12:52:09 *Joshy*: It's so fun hey
19-7-2024 12:52:21 Logamer: yeah
19-7-2024 12:52:24 *Joshy*: Do you want to do a replay or keep focusing on RTA?
19-7-2024 12:52:48 Logamer: RTA
19-7-2024 12:53:13 *Joshy*: You go in solo :)
19-7-2024 12:53:43 Logamer: okay :)
19-7-2024 14:39:31 Logamer: 8-3 BibleThumpewmaticPalm
19-7-2024 15:17:32 Wingcapman: Oh snap, you got to 8-3!? You can do this Logamer!
19-7-2024 15:18:12 Wingcapman: I'll probably try some today as well as special redeems, just to see if it all works for tomorrow's tournament :p
19-7-2024 15:22:41 Logamer: arrived at 8-3 yes :p
19-7-2024 15:23:12 Logamer: ewomaticHi
19-7-2024 15:23:23 Wingcapman: Let's see how 2v33 will go :D
19-7-2024 15:23:27 Wingcapman: Good luck!
19-7-2024 15:23:35 Logamer: thanks!
19-7-2024 15:36:00 Wingcapman: ROFL
19-7-2024 15:36:06 Wingcapman: I missed the frame
19-7-2024 15:36:12 Logamer: GT
19-7-2024 15:36:48 Wingcapman: I should have gone for the safe stairs xD
19-7-2024 15:37:16 Logamer: Xd
19-7-2024 15:47:33 Logamer: GG
19-7-2024 15:47:45 Wingcapman: Comm error xD
19-7-2024 15:47:50 Logamer: 2fps lol
19-7-2024 15:47:53 Logamer: same xD
19-7-2024 15:48:00 Wingcapman: That was quite a slideshow indeed x'D
19-7-2024 15:48:15 Wingcapman: This is why I don't like Lakitu parties :')
19-7-2024 15:48:31 Logamer: xD
19-7-2024 15:48:32 Wingcapman: Stupid game gave me a POW :(
19-7-2024 15:48:40 Logamer: rip
19-7-2024 15:48:46 Logamer: comm error
19-7-2024 15:49:21 Wingcapman: Hopefully we'll have better luck. And no Bowser parties in 6-1 xD
19-7-2024 15:52:24 Logamer: I didn't see the hole ewmaticPalm xD
19-7-2024 15:52:26 Logamer: GG
19-7-2024 15:53:53 Logamer: I'm going to take a break thanks for the games!
19-7-2024 15:54:44 Wingcapman: Good games :) /
19-7-2024 16:02:18 [Server Announcement]:
Wingcapman has beaten the RTA Challenge and has earned 200,000 coins!
19-7-2024 16:09:14 Wingcapman: Dang, Round 2 5-3 pit, didn't get a Bullet Bill in time and got a star out roulette before pitting (fire flower could have saved me) xD
19-7-2024 16:10:26 Wingcapman: Seems the redeems work just fine. I think I'm ready for tomorrow :D
19-7-2024 16:10:41 Wingcapman: Last "quick" match before I move on with my shenanigans :p
19-7-2024 21:30:42 Logamer: dead time in water zone 8-4 rip BibleThump
19-7-2024 21:40:10 Kame: Wow t'y es presque !!! Go go go !!!
19-7-2024 21:43:35 *Joshy*: Go logamer!
19-7-2024 21:43:48 Wingcapman: You can do it!
19-7-2024 21:46:55 Logamer: Thank you for the encouragements!
19-7-2024 21:50:10 Wingcapman: Gotta love Cheep Cheeps :')
19-7-2024 21:52:38 Wingcapman: And gotta love Bowser fire RNG xD
19-7-2024 21:53:03 Wingcapman: Okay, time to play just a bit safer, I can't play risky it seems :p
19-7-2024 22:05:47 [Server Announcement]:
Wingcapman has beaten the RTA Challenge and has earned 200,000 coins!
19-7-2024 22:05:59 Logamer: GG
19-7-2024 22:06:08 Logamer: §FREERTA
19-7-2024 22:06:23 Logamer: oups lol
19-7-2024 22:16:12 Wingcapman: Dang, no coins and the Great Wall of Bullet Bill appeared in 7-1 Round 2 :(
19-7-2024 22:17:34 Wingcapman: Lolwut xD
19-7-2024 22:17:43 Wingcapman: Euhh... How did I do that ROFL
19-7-2024 22:19:16 Wingcapman: Tfw you don't pay attention and just run into a Goomba :')
19-7-2024 22:20:21 Wingcapman: Okay never mind, sheesh game ROFL
19-7-2024 22:22:29 Wingcapman: Good luck with the attempts further Logamer, you can do it! :D
19-7-2024 22:25:25 Logamer: sometimes when the beginning starts badly I prefer to kill myself to start again better lol and thank you
20-7-2024 9:51:34 Logamer: ewomaticHi
20-7-2024 9:53:55 Kame: ewomaticHi
20-7-2024 9:54:15 Logamer: comment ca va ? :)
20-7-2024 9:54:30 Logamer: oups att je re
20-7-2024 9:54:50 Logamer: c bon javais oublier de prendre mario de feu mdrr
20-7-2024 9:55:06 Kame: Oki xd
20-7-2024 10:06:24 Kame: GG
20-7-2024 10:06:37 Logamer: on est mort en meme temps ? xD GG
20-7-2024 10:06:40 Kame: On était à qqs sec près
20-7-2024 10:06:58 Logamer: car je suis mort mdrr
20-7-2024 10:09:50 Kame: GG
20-7-2024 10:09:57 Logamer: GG
20-7-2024 10:12:48 Logamer: GG
20-7-2024 10:12:56 Kame: GG
20-7-2024 10:20:39 Kame: GG
20-7-2024 10:20:40 Logamer: GG
20-7-2024 10:23:52 Logamer: GG
20-7-2024 10:24:02 Kame: GG
20-7-2024 10:24:38 Kame: J'étais content de sortir de l'eau XD
20-7-2024 10:25:29 Logamer: XD
20-7-2024 10:29:51 Logamer: GG
20-7-2024 10:29:57 Kame: Le premier qui perd la fleur a perdu GG
20-7-2024 10:30:09 Logamer: elle etait intense cette game xD
20-7-2024 10:30:23 Logamer: c tellement sa
20-7-2024 10:32:31 Kame: LOL j'suis tombé bêtement
20-7-2024 10:32:36 Logamer: xD
20-7-2024 10:32:47 Logamer: sa met arrivé hier sur un rta mdrr
20-7-2024 10:35:58 *Joshy*: You two going to the tournament tomorrow?
20-7-2024 10:40:31 Kame: yep
20-7-2024 10:44:28 Kame: GG
20-7-2024 10:44:36 Logamer: GG
20-7-2024 10:44:44 Logamer: Yes
20-7-2024 10:44:48 Kame: Une dernière pour moi
20-7-2024 10:44:57 Logamer: okay seemsGood
20-7-2024 10:45:26 Kame: I guess you'll be at the tourney Joshy
20-7-2024 10:46:00 Logamer: yeah partyKirby
20-7-2024 10:46:06 Kame: Et toi Logamer ?
20-7-2024 10:46:23 Logamer: oui
20-7-2024 10:46:33 Kame: cool
20-7-2024 10:47:39 Logamer: GG
20-7-2024 10:47:43 Kame: GG
20-7-2024 10:48:23 Logamer: Merci pour les games cetait symp
20-7-2024 10:48:28 Kame: Merci pour les games. A plus dans la journée !
20-7-2024 10:48:34 Logamer: sympa :)
20-7-2024 10:48:48 Logamer: a plus dans la journee!
20-7-2024 12:47:17 *Joshy*: It's 5am my time to start - if I can wake up I will :)
20-7-2024 13:17:57 Kame: seemsGood
20-7-2024 15:55:57 Logamer: je vais peut être devoir arrêter pendant le tournois se soir j'essayerais d'être la le plus longtemps possible
20-7-2024 16:09:27 Kame: seemsGood
20-7-2024 20:13:00 Wingcapman: XX:14 First official warmup match
20-7-2024 20:13:12 Wingcapman: Hey everyone, we're currently playing games at - Come join us in continuing our interest!
20-7-2024 20:27:23 Wingcapman: XX:30
20-7-2024 20:27:37 Wingcapman: Will be first match
20-7-2024 20:28:48 Wingcapman: ShakeCat, if you want to join the tournament matches, you might be better off stream-sniping us :p
20-7-2024 20:29:04 Wingcapman: Because we enter the lobby at a specific time
20-7-2024 20:48:51 Wingcapman: XX:50 Second match of the tournament
20-7-2024 20:59:55 SB1926: How did you fix the certificate error?
20-7-2024 21:16:38 Wingcapman: I think milkman fixed it :)
20-7-2024 21:16:46 Wingcapman: XX:18 for match 3
20-7-2024 21:53:15 Wingcapman: XX:57 Final match
20-7-2024 22:42:17 Noaaaaah: heyaaaa
20-7-2024 22:42:29 Noaaaaah: so I can connect to the server via the website but not the game...?
21-7-2024 0:00:13 [Server Announcement]:
HTH_ awarded 250000 coins to Logamer !
21-7-2024 0:00:32 HTH_: ^ first place coins for today's tourney, congrats peepoClap
21-7-2024 0:07:05 Logamer: Thanks!
21-7-2024 14:48:54 Logamer: ewomaticHi
21-7-2024 14:58:48 HTH_: nice run how far did you get?
21-7-2024 14:58:51 Kame: ewomaticHi
21-7-2024 14:59:31 Logamer: GG
21-7-2024 15:00:10 Kame: 8-3. I tried to make all lakitus disappear in 8-2 entring in a pipe but i never had a pow to have 400 and go on
21-7-2024 15:00:45 HTH_: Yeah i like the 8-2 clear and then beetle strats the rest of the way method more than the lakitu chaos
21-7-2024 15:02:46 Kame: phone call
21-7-2024 15:02:54 Logamer: GG
21-7-2024 15:03:05 Logamer: Okay
21-7-2024 15:03:12 HTH_: GG
21-7-2024 15:09:07 HTH_: i got to go, have fun 83kYHi
21-7-2024 15:10:24 Logamer: ok thank you and have a nice day 83kYHi
21-7-2024 15:17:23 Kame: I'm back. Too bad you had to go HTH. Hope I'll see you soon there
21-7-2024 15:20:19 Logamer: re
21-7-2024 15:20:31 Kame: re
21-7-2024 15:21:30 Kame: J'attends que tu sois pret
21-7-2024 15:21:43 Logamer: je le suis :)
21-7-2024 15:22:51 Kame: okkidokki !!! Spéciale dédicace à Wingcapman qui m'a trop fait rire hier avec les spinies
21-7-2024 15:23:01 Logamer: xD
21-7-2024 15:27:55 Logamer: pit rip mdrr
21-7-2024 15:34:07 Logamer: mdrr depuis tt a lheure je regarder ton bot en pensant que cetait toi xD
21-7-2024 15:34:57 Kame: XD
21-7-2024 15:38:30 Logamer: GG
21-7-2024 15:38:57 Kame: GG
21-7-2024 15:47:19 Logamer: GG
21-7-2024 15:47:32 Kame: GG
21-7-2024 16:05:05 Logamer: GG
21-7-2024 16:05:14 Kame: GG
21-7-2024 16:15:32 Logamer: GG
21-7-2024 16:15:43 Kame: GG
21-7-2024 16:16:03 Kame: Je fais une pause. Si tu veux je te lance une replay game
21-7-2024 16:16:43 Logamer: okay et nn merci je v faire une pause aussi :)
21-7-2024 16:17:01 Kame: lol ok
21-7-2024 16:17:13 Logamer: x)
21-7-2024 16:34:35 Kame: De retour
21-7-2024 16:37:52 Logamer: j'arrive dans 5min
21-7-2024 16:38:14 Kame: oki
21-7-2024 16:41:28 Logamer: re
21-7-2024 16:42:12 Kame: re blobDancepartyKirbymonkasteercatJAM
21-7-2024 16:46:15 Logamer: pit encore lol
21-7-2024 16:53:35 Logamer: GG
21-7-2024 16:53:37 Kame: argh
21-7-2024 17:04:40 Logamer: encore un pit decidement aujourdui cv pas mdrr
21-7-2024 17:08:58 Logamer: GG
21-7-2024 17:09:12 Kame: oh non ! en mem temps t'etais sur du 6-3 XD
21-7-2024 17:09:14 Kame: GG
21-7-2024 17:09:36 Logamer: xD
21-7-2024 17:15:11 Kame: pit à mon tour
21-7-2024 17:16:00 Kame: en 5-1 juste après la vie. J'ai fait la meme hier alors que ça m'arrive jamais.
21-7-2024 17:22:50 Kame: Top ! GG
21-7-2024 17:23:03 Logamer: merci ! GG
21-7-2024 17:23:07 Kame: ewomaticHi
21-7-2024 17:23:18 Logamer: ewomaticHi
21-7-2024 17:23:47 Kame: Les 2h de bots sont finies !
21-7-2024 17:24:07 Logamer: okay !
21-7-2024 17:30:21 Kame: GG
21-7-2024 17:30:23 Logamer: GG
21-7-2024 17:33:33 Logamer: encore un pit decidement c la journée international des pits lol
21-7-2024 17:33:37 Logamer: GG
21-7-2024 17:33:45 Kame: XD
21-7-2024 17:34:35 Kame: Ca va etre ma dernière
21-7-2024 17:46:33 Logamer: GG
21-7-2024 17:46:36 Kame: Très bonne game ! GG
21-7-2024 17:46:46 Logamer: Oui ! GG
21-7-2024 17:47:09 Kame: Merci pour les games. Trop bien comm d'hab. A plus
21-7-2024 17:47:15 Logamer: Merci pour les games cetait genial comme dhab !
21-7-2024 17:47:24 Logamer: a plus !
22-7-2024 6:52:52 CCShakeCatNS: !rec
22-7-2024 6:54:56 CCShakeCatNS: !login
22-7-2024 7:00:41 Kame: Type !secretshop
22-7-2024 7:01:36 CCShakeCatNS: I forgot how to log in
22-7-2024 7:03:11 Kame: If you select "NO INJECTS" in the shop, you can play replay games
22-7-2024 7:04:58 CCShakeCatNS: <NO INJECTS> failed, not logged in
22-7-2024 7:06:06 CCShakeCatNS: switched color to lightpink
22-7-2024 7:06:14 CCShakeCatNS: there we go
22-7-2024 7:08:01 Kame: I launch a RTA challenge for you, just to see
22-7-2024 7:28:06 Kame: Sorry I had time just for a RTA challenge
22-7-2024 7:29:11 Kame: It's too bad REC doesn't appear for you. Maybe you should try to change your name (by adding a 2 or an asterisk for exemple) so REC can appear again
22-7-2024 7:42:00 CCShakeCatNS : switched color to lightpink
22-7-2024 7:42:44 -CCShakeCatNS-: switched color to lightpink
22-7-2024 8:00:15 -CCShakeCatNS-: I want to keep the rec bot
22-7-2024 8:21:08 Kame: You'll keep REC if you don't add level bots
22-7-2024 8:21:23 -CCShakeCatNS-: I know
22-7-2024 8:22:12 Kame: !seemsGood
22-7-2024 9:36:05 Logamer: ewomaticHi
22-7-2024 9:36:27 *Joshy*: Hey man!!
22-7-2024 9:36:42 *Joshy*: Right side hype
22-7-2024 9:36:57 Logamer: how are you ? ewomaticHi
22-7-2024 9:52:10 *Joshy*: Gg
22-7-2024 9:52:14 Logamer: GG
22-7-2024 9:52:15 *Joshy*: Good man
22-7-2024 9:52:26 Logamer: seemsGood
22-7-2024 9:52:59 *Joshy*: I have a little sick, so just resting
22-7-2024 9:54:13 Logamer: okay have a good rest seemsGood
22-7-2024 10:11:56 Logamer: GG
22-7-2024 10:11:59 *Joshy*: Gg!
22-7-2024 10:12:04 *Joshy*: Fuck yeah
22-7-2024 10:25:49 Logamer: GG
22-7-2024 10:25:53 *Joshy*: Great try man
22-7-2024 10:26:15 Logamer: thanks :)
22-7-2024 10:41:55 *Joshy*: Miracle 3-2!
22-7-2024 10:42:16 *Joshy*: Can I show you a bounce combo for 3-2?
22-7-2024 10:42:24 Logamer: GG
22-7-2024 10:42:34 *Joshy*: Go into the game and die right away
22-7-2024 10:42:48 Logamer: yes
22-7-2024 10:44:51 *Joshy*: That didn't work haha
22-7-2024 10:45:01 Logamer: xD
22-7-2024 10:48:17 Logamer: nice strat!
22-7-2024 10:48:44 *Joshy*: Infinite time and a good stall if others are time poor
22-7-2024 10:49:19 Logamer: thanks seemsGood
22-7-2024 10:56:17 Logamer: pit lol
22-7-2024 11:08:33 Logamer: GG
22-7-2024 11:08:42 *Joshy*: Gg
22-7-2024 11:10:04 *Joshy*: Server crash
22-7-2024 11:10:27 INFO: Hi, just updated the SSL Cert for the server, sorry it took a few days, I was out of town.
22-7-2024 11:10:39 *Joshy*: Thanks so much
22-7-2024 11:10:45 *Joshy*: Hey is this milkman?
22-7-2024 11:10:49 INFO: Also sorry for the server restart, you may need to re-login again, cheers.
22-7-2024 11:11:00 *Joshy*: We would love to talk with you
22-7-2024 11:11:09 INFO: Yes @joshy
22-7-2024 11:11:23 *Joshy*: Could you message us on discord?
22-7-2024 11:11:45 *Joshy*: Would love to chat about a bunch of things along with hth
22-7-2024 11:12:03 INFO: I'll try to drop by later seemsGood I'll try to recall what my discord login was LUL
22-7-2024 11:12:35 *Joshy*: Thank you we have been talking about wanting to talk with you
22-7-2024 11:12:47 INFO: See ya, have fun playing :D
22-7-2024 11:13:30 *Joshy*: Thank you so much man
22-7-2024 11:13:39 *Joshy*: I thank you every single day for this
22-7-2024 11:15:45 Logamer: thanks you :)
22-7-2024 11:17:51 Logamer: GG
22-7-2024 11:19:13 *Joshy*: Gg, go win the rta
22-7-2024 20:39:00 Logamer: ewomaticHi
22-7-2024 20:40:28 Kame: ewomaticHi
22-7-2024 20:41:17 Kame: Thx themilkman for the ssl certificate :)
22-7-2024 20:52:13 Kame: GG
22-7-2024 20:56:44 Logamer: GG
22-7-2024 20:56:56 Kame: GG
22-7-2024 20:58:42 Kame: derniere game
22-7-2024 21:00:54 Logamer: okay
22-7-2024 21:05:03 Kame: Pas bcp d'ennemis c'etait pas evident. GG
22-7-2024 21:05:16 Logamer: oui GG
22-7-2024 21:05:37 Kame: Déso je dois y aller. Je rejoins des potes. Merci pr les games. Bonne soirée
22-7-2024 21:07:14 Logamer: pas de souci profite bien et merci a toi pr les games bonne soirée :)
22-7-2024 21:17:08 ●REC: @Logamer Now that you have added a bot to a game on your own, ●rec will no longer automatically join the match when you are matchmaking. If you’d still like @rec to join the match, you must change to a new username. In addition to adding bots, you can also start replay matches where you can play against recordings of previous tournament matches as described here:
23-7-2024 14:47:22 Kame: !secretshop
24-7-2024 7:20:48 *Joshy*: @milkman do you see this?
24-7-2024 7:22:09 *Joshy*: We came up with a list of stuff to talk about, happy to do it here
24-7-2024 12:06:56 *Joshy*: Hey dlr gaming so sorry I didn't see you there
24-7-2024 12:07:28 *Joshy*: Ill wait til your done and start another
24-7-2024 12:11:03 DLR_Gaming_: Just finished
24-7-2024 12:11:30 *Joshy*: Spec one another if we die
24-7-2024 12:12:12 DLR_Gaming_: No problem
24-7-2024 12:29:56 *Joshy*: Gg
24-7-2024 12:30:07 DLR_Gaming_: GGs!!
24-7-2024 15:23:48 Logamer1: ewomaticHi
24-7-2024 15:24:28 Kame: Salut ewomaticHi
24-7-2024 15:24:46 Logamer: salut comment ca va ?
24-7-2024 15:25:02 Kame: J'ai une petite demi heure devant moi :)
24-7-2024 15:25:23 Logamer: okay :)
24-7-2024 15:36:44 Logamer: GG
24-7-2024 15:36:54 Kame: GG
24-7-2024 15:48:56 Logamer: GG
24-7-2024 15:49:04 Kame: redTimerredTimerredTimerGG
24-7-2024 15:52:00 Logamer: GG
24-7-2024 15:52:12 Kame: Tu m'as bombardé !!! :D GG
24-7-2024 15:52:22 Logamer: xD
24-7-2024 15:53:16 Kame: La dernière ! Comme on dit ici, GLHFDP !
24-7-2024 15:53:41 Logamer: okay !
24-7-2024 15:59:02 Logamer: lakitulakituGG
24-7-2024 15:59:12 Kame: GG
24-7-2024 15:59:47 Kame: Merci pour les games ! A très vite ewomaticHi
24-7-2024 15:59:54 Logamer: merci pour les games genial comme d'hab! :)
24-7-2024 16:00:03 Logamer: a tres vite ewomaticHi
25-7-2024 1:02:52 Doomguyticklez: hi
25-7-2024 1:41:15 *Joshy*: Wonderful to once again see all these new players!
25-7-2024 1:41:36 *Joshy*: Please join us 9pm EST this coming Saturday for our weekly gathering
25-7-2024 13:26:38 Logamer: Hi Joshy ewomaticHi
25-7-2024 13:36:31 *Joshy*: Hey man!
25-7-2024 13:36:48 Logamer: how are you?
25-7-2024 13:36:49 *Joshy*: How's everything going?
25-7-2024 13:37:37 Logamer: Well, and you?
25-7-2024 13:40:42 Logamer: pit xD
25-7-2024 13:48:52 Logamer: GG
25-7-2024 13:48:52 *Joshy*: Gg
25-7-2024 13:49:04 *Joshy*: Yeah I'm good
25-7-2024 13:49:16 *Joshy*: Working a lot because saving for an international family trip
25-7-2024 13:49:25 *Joshy*: What's your age?
25-7-2024 13:50:39 Logamer: 20
25-7-2024 13:50:47 Logamer: and you?
25-7-2024 14:04:00 Logamer: good luck and good travels ahead! :)
25-7-2024 14:04:34 *Joshy*: Gg
25-7-2024 14:04:38 *Joshy*: I'm 39
25-7-2024 14:05:01 *Joshy*: So glad for younger gamers to get into this game !
25-7-2024 14:05:02 Logamer: seemsGood
25-7-2024 14:05:08 Logamer: GG
25-7-2024 14:05:24 Logamer: yes! :)
25-7-2024 14:05:34 *Joshy*: Right side hype
25-7-2024 14:05:49 Logamer: it was my father who passed on this passion to me :)
25-7-2024 14:19:20 Logamer: GG
25-7-2024 14:19:26 *Joshy*: Man that was tight!!
25-7-2024 14:19:40 *Joshy*: Whhhat how cool is that
25-7-2024 14:19:55 *Joshy*: My father had me play smb1 but your dad played smb35?
25-7-2024 14:20:34 Logamer: no smb1
25-7-2024 14:20:53 *Joshy*: Man same for me, it's why I love this game so much
25-7-2024 14:21:06 Logamer: but it made me want to play smb 35 :)
25-7-2024 14:21:16 *Joshy*: Let's.male.our father's proud
25-7-2024 14:32:16 Logamer: GG
25-7-2024 14:32:23 *Joshy*: Gg you're a good player man
25-7-2024 14:32:33 *Joshy*: One last game for me
25-7-2024 14:32:40 Logamer: thanks you too :)
25-7-2024 14:32:45 Logamer: okay seemsGood
25-7-2024 14:45:48 Logamer: GG
25-7-2024 14:45:53 *Joshy*: Gg
25-7-2024 14:46:47 Logamer: thanks for the games cya!
25-7-2024 21:34:34 Logamer: Bonsoir! ewomaticHi
25-7-2024 21:35:10 Kame: Hello ewomaticHi
25-7-2024 21:35:55 Logamer: ca va ?
25-7-2024 21:36:56 Kame: Tranquille. Je profite ce soir. Et toi ?
25-7-2024 21:37:19 Logamer: tranquille aussi
25-7-2024 21:42:49 Kame: Erreur d'attention, j'étais mal installé :p
25-7-2024 21:44:53 Kame: Bon, mon bot n'a pas vraiment fait du bon boulot non plus :D
25-7-2024 21:45:30 Kame: GG
25-7-2024 21:45:41 Logamer: GG
25-7-2024 22:01:13 Logamer: GG
25-7-2024 22:01:30 Kame: Ouf il me restait 10 sec. Merci pour tes pieces :D GG
25-7-2024 22:01:52 Logamer: a je me disait bien que tu avait beaucoup de pieces mdrr :)
25-7-2024 22:02:04 Kame: LOL
25-7-2024 22:02:10 Logamer: xD
25-7-2024 22:04:25 Logamer: oups xD
25-7-2024 22:11:33 Logamer: GG
25-7-2024 22:11:40 Kame: GG
25-7-2024 22:12:13 Kame: Ce sera ma dernière :)
25-7-2024 22:12:41 Kame: Hey Joshy !
25-7-2024 22:12:42 *Joshy*: Yooo one game and if my son wakes up I gotta drop the game!
25-7-2024 22:13:10 Kame: Ok. Joshy's son, be quiet !!! :D
25-7-2024 22:13:11 Logamer: okay :)
25-7-2024 22:13:15 Logamer: ewomaticHi
25-7-2024 22:13:19 *Joshy*: Hahahha
25-7-2024 22:13:31 *Joshy*: One day he will play with us! But is only 4
25-7-2024 22:25:21 Logamer: GG
25-7-2024 22:25:46 Kame: Qui va gagner ? Joshy ou (Joshy) ? :D
25-7-2024 22:26:00 Logamer: xD
25-7-2024 22:30:41 Logamer: GG
25-7-2024 22:30:45 *Joshy*: Gg
25-7-2024 22:30:45 Kame: GG
25-7-2024 22:31:03 *Joshy*: Have a great night guys!
25-7-2024 22:31:19 Kame: Gtg now. Thx for the games ! Have a good day Joshy. Bonne nuit Logamer
25-7-2024 22:31:29 Logamer: thanks you too!
25-7-2024 22:31:45 Logamer: thanks for the games!
25-7-2024 22:32:05 Logamer: Have a good day Bonne nuit Kame
26-7-2024 12:28:33 Logamer: ewomaticHi
26-7-2024 12:47:41 *Joshy*: Hey man!
26-7-2024 12:47:55 *Joshy*: Win the rta :)
26-7-2024 12:55:43 Logamer: Hey!
26-7-2024 12:55:56 Logamer: How are you?
26-7-2024 13:32:43 *Joshy*: I'm good man!
26-7-2024 13:35:19 *Joshy*: Feeling very tired after long work days but making like $7-800 per day
26-7-2024 13:35:31 *Joshy*: So it's worth the tired
26-7-2024 13:39:18 Logamer: !freertaa
26-7-2024 13:40:28 Logamer: Good Luck
26-7-2024 13:49:12 *Joshy*: Got 1st
26-7-2024 13:49:21 *Joshy*: But in replays you're really getting second
26-7-2024 13:49:34 *Joshy*: Because the second and first end at the same time
26-7-2024 13:49:43 *Joshy*: Good luck to you man!
26-7-2024 13:57:54 Logamer: Thanks!
26-7-2024 14:33:28 Logamer: impossible to concentrate today maybe another time
26-7-2024 20:26:45 Logamer: ewomaticHi
26-7-2024 20:30:07 DLR_Gaming_: Good afternoon!!
26-7-2024 20:30:27 Logamer: thx you too!!
26-7-2024 20:34:12 Logamer: GG
26-7-2024 20:34:23 DLR_Gaming_: gg
26-7-2024 20:36:54 Jackson: so many bloopers
26-7-2024 20:37:45 Logamer: yes
26-7-2024 20:40:29 Jackson: also sorry for only picking 7-2, i'm just tryna unlock all the levels lol
26-7-2024 20:41:03 Logamer: np lol
26-7-2024 20:41:05 DLR_Gaming_: No worries
26-7-2024 20:50:05 Logamer: GG
26-7-2024 20:52:58 Logamer: GG
26-7-2024 21:08:46 DLR_Gaming_: Thanks for the matches!!
26-7-2024 21:09:44 Logamer: no problem thank you!!
26-7-2024 21:52:51 Logamer: have you unlocked all the levels?!
26-7-2024 22:01:28 Logamer: this is my last game
26-7-2024 22:04:17 Logamer: thanks for the games! :)

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