Setting up the Switch BEFORE hacking
Step 3.1 Making sure you have the game
If you already have the game installed, you can proceed to Step 3.2
If you have deleted the game, or if this is a different Switch from the one you used to play on:
You should still be able to redownload the game with any eShop account that has previously downloaded the game before, even if it is already delisted from the eShop.
You can find a full step-by-step guide here
Step 3.2 Making sure you can run the game offline
Try to run the game.
Close the game beforehand if it is already open.
You should NOT get a message before the game starts, saying
- Checking if the software can be played...
If you don't get a message like that, you can proceed to step 3.3
Otherwise, you will need to make this Switch the primary Switch of the account that downloaded the game.
First, you will need the other Switch you previously had set as primary.
If this Switch is not available, please follow the steps on this site to deregister it:
Open the eShop on this console with the account you downloaded the game with.
Then select the picture of your icon in the upper-right corner
Scroll down and find the option to "Deregister" this console as your Primary, and proceed with the steps.
Finally, open the eShop on the Switch you want to use for the SMB 35 private server.
This should set it as primary, you can check it in the same place in the eShop where you deregistered the other console.
Try running the game again, you should no longer get the message
- Checking if the software can be played...
Step 3.3 Move SMB35 to System Memorywhy?
- In the Switch's System Settings, choose "Data Management" -> "Move Data Between System / microSD Card"
- Make sure you are moving TO System Memory, we do NOT want the game on the microSD card
- Move SMB35 to System Memory.
If there is not enough space, archive some other games in the meantime.
If at any point, the option is greyed out, it may be possible your SMB35 is already installed fully in System Memory.
You can check this in the System Settings, "Data Management" -> "Manage Software"
This image above shows that 488 MB of the game is in System Memory, and none in the microSD.
This is what your "Manage Software" should looks like for SMB35 after moving it to System Memory
(or if you didn't need to move it and it was already installed in System Memory)
Setting up your "hacked environment" (creating emuMMC)
Now that your are in Hekate:
- First pick "Tools"
- Then pick "Arch Bit"
- Then pick "Fix Archive Bit"
This fixes any issues people have had where the Switch cannot detect files that are in the microSD card.

This step should take only around 10 seconds.
You can press "Close" once the message stating how many files were "unset/set" is shown.
Create an emuMMC
In Hekate, choose "Home" to return to the main menu, then choose "emuMMC"
Pick "Create emuMMC"
You will be given 3 choices in the emuMMC creation tool
Pick SD File why?
Now we wait. This will take around 15-20 minutes
Launch your emuMMC (i.e. start the Switch in "hacked mode")
In Hekate, choose "Home" to return to the main menu, then choose "Launch"
Pick CFW (emuMMC)
emuMMC cleanup
Go to "System Settings" -> "Themes"
Then set the theme to the opposite color of your main Switch's theme
(e.g. if your unhacked/online Switch theme is Black, pick White for the hacked Switch, and vice-versa).
This is important so you can never confuse the unhacked Switch (with the online games and eShop purchased games) and the hacked emuMMC.

You need to take special precautions when using the hacked emuMMC.
For example, when connecting to a NEW Wifi in hacked mode, you must also do the 90DNS setup for it again mentioned in Step 4.
You do not need to do that (and you shouldn't) in unhacked/legit mode.
Now it is recommended to delete all the games in emuMMC except SMB35.
- You will be unable to play the games installed in microSD anyway.
It will have a "redownload" cloud icon, as if the game was not installed.
- The game will STILL be installed in your unhacked/legit Switch's system memory, even if you delete it here. This is a completely different environment, think of it as a different Switch living inside your SD card.
- Also to save space in your emuMMC.
You can now try to launch SMB35.
You can try if "Course Practice" works, or even try to play online if there are other players
(you can check the "Server Status" link at the bottom right of the page to check).
Note you are still not yet done with the setup.
After you have (hopefully) played a bit of SMB35 on the hacked emuMMC, you still need to do a few more steps to finish the process
SysMMC cleanup
- Return to your unhacked/legit setup by turning the Switch off, then turning it on again.
- You can confirm it worked if the theme is the opposite color of the emuMMC theme (i.e. your original theme) when the Switch loads
Remove the DNS setting for 90DNS on the unhacked/legit Switch setup.
Otherwise you will be unable to play online or access the eShop
Just set the DNS setting for all "Registered Networks" to "Automatic"

Do this ONLY for your unhacked setup, do NOT do this for the emuMMC/hacked setup.
And you are DONE.
You can now use your unhacked/legit setup as you would normally use it.
But please read the final entries of this section.
How do I switch back to an unhacked/legit setup?
To play your other online/NSO games, or play your legit eShop purchased games:
In hacked/emuMMC mode, just turn your Switch off, then turn it back on again.
How do I switch back to a hacked setup to play SMB35?
You do not need to repeat most of the setup steps.
Simply do the following:
Repeat step 6:
- Turn off Switch
- Enter RCM mode with RCM jig
- Inject hekate_ctcaer_#.#.#.bin with your computer
Then in Hekate, just choose "Launch" -> "CFW (emuMMC)"
And you should be back to the opposite color "hacked mode" again.
Is there an easier way?
Can this get me banned?
Several measures in this guide are taken to prevent banning:
- Using an emuMMC - no changes are made to System memory (SysMMC)
- Blanking emuMMC serial number - prevent Nintendo from being able to identify which Switch to ban
- Blocking all internet communication with Nintendo in the emuMMC, twice, using Atmosphere DNS.mitm and 90DNS
- Removing CFW-SysMMC from Hekate to prevent accidental booting into CFW (hacked mode) in the system memory
So far, many people with hacked Switches have similar setups and have managed to prevent getting banned for several years now. Some users even claim going online with hacked setups and not getting banned, and that Nintendo supposedly only bans if they detect you installing pirated games or cheating online. HOWEVER, we can never have an absolute guarantee of preventing banning, Nintendo can implement changes any time to circumvent any of these measures (although historically they haven't, it is trivial for them should they decide to). So while so far such a setup has been safe from bans, there will always be a risk.
It says my Switch is "definitely patched" based on my serial. Is there really no hope?
There is currently no known way to hack "patched" Switches, except by installing a modchip.
But Nintendo has shut down the company manufacturing those modchips, as well as people who offer services to install such modchips.
So it is very unlikely to find one nowadays.
Also, using the modchip is a very complicated topic, which involves lots of chances of getting banned or bricking your Switch, unless you do lots of research, and are very careful. Even then some people do something as simple as accidentally pressing the update popup, bricking their modded Switches.
It is recommended to instead try to buy a second-hand "unpatched" Switch online (demand to see the serial first).
Do I really have to buy that "RCM Jig" thing?
Some people use other things instead of a jig to hack their Switch (e.g. paperclips, tin foil, screwdriver).
This is NOT recommended, and is troublesome if you wish to switch back-and-forth between "hacked" and "unhacked" mode, to play other NSO games (like Tetris 99, Pac-Man 99, Mario Kart 8, SMM2, etc.)
Whereas a jig like the one in the picture in Step 2 will work 100% and not damage your Switch.
What are the files in the download in Step 5?
Here are a list of the files:
Latest minimal-install of Atmosphere/Hekate from
with the following modifications:
- exosphere.ini at SD root, to blank emuMMC PRODINFO [Anti-Ban]
- atmosphere/hosts/emummc.txt, using DNS.mitm to simulate 90DNS [Anti-Ban]
- atmosphere/config/override_config.ini, added override_key=R, to allow users to access the Album easier, as this setup is not mainly for Homebrew purposes
atmosphere/exefs_patches/patch - file that modifies SMB35 installation to connect to our private server
Also the following Hekate modifications:
- "Boot CFW - SysMMC" option removed [Anti-Ban]
- Auto HOS Power Off disabled - as these users would most likely not prefer AutoRCM, and would most likely switch regularly to Stock/SysMMC, as they usually also play other "99-Battle Royale" games like Tetris 99, Pac-Man 99, or Super Bomberman R Online, or other NSO games like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe or Super Mario Maker 2.
Why move SMB35 to System Memory in Step 4?
(Also applicable: Why setup 90DNS on Stock SysMMC)?
This is so that once we create the EmuMMC, it will automatically have SMB35 installed in it, no need to fiddle with copying Nintendo folders, hoping to have enough space, or having to install NSPs.
For the same reason, we setup 90DNS in Stock SysMMC so that when we first boot CFW EmuMMC, it already has 90DNS all set up.
Why do you recommend to use a file-based emuMMC?
This guide is geared for users who will not be installing multiple NSP games into their emuMMC, which is what requires fast loading for better performance. This is aimed towards users who will be using it only to play SMB35, and are usually non-technical users, who have legit purchased games installed in their SysMMC with online capability/NSO sub requirement, like Mario Kart 8 or SMM2. As such, the easy-to-find, easy-to-backup file-based option is preferrable to the hard-to-backup hidden-partition option, when the only purpose is for SMB35. Also, SMB35 is not a game that will be heavily affected by quicker loading times, as it only loads once and the game runs flawlessly, and the actual bottleneck during loading is the players with slower connections.
Is there an easier way than having to connect my Switch to a PC every time I want to switch to the hacked setup (emuMMC)?
If you can find a payload injector dongle, such as the "RCM Loader" shown below, these dongles can auto-inject a payload for you without having to connect to a computer or even running any programs like TegraRCMGUI.
Once you load up hekate-ctcaer_#.#.#.bin into the dongle,
Step 6 will be reduced to:
- Turn off Switch
- Enter RCM mode (with the RCM jig also conviently attached to the RCM Loader dongle)
- Plug in the dongle on the Switch and you're done
Vendors of such dongles usually quickly disappear though, as Nintendo complains on online stores like Amazon to take such listings down.
Sometimes some vendors stay listed for a while though. It also makes the entire setup portable (since you no longer need a PC).
Help, my Switch isn't responding!
If your Switch doesn't want to turn on, despite pressing the power button, or injecting a payload - and you are sure that it has not run out of battery, or you have just tried charging it, it may be stuck in an RCM-like limbo state.
Fixing this is easy, just hold down the power button for 30 seconds.
This should hard power off your Switch, and pressing the power button again should turn it back on.
I'm not getting matched with anyone? Where are the other players?
The site dashboard has several tools you can use to match easier with other players:
- You can post a message on the Shoutbox/Chat
- You can also enable the sound alert
(tick the checkbox on the upper left section, also you should have Auto-Refresh set to "ON".
This will play an alert sound if someone tries to start up a game.
- You can also check the Twitch streams posted on the Shoutbox.
These streams have the most active games, getting as many as 10-15 players in a single game.
Additional tips:
- When you start a game, and you don't match with anybody, don't cancel right away.
Some players have the sound alert turned on, and it will take time for them to wake up/turn on their Switch, start the game, and get through all the loading screens.
Even longer if they have to Switch from unhacked mode, as they'll have to restart their Switch.
Try waiting a few minutes, and play a few games, giving time for people to boot up and prepare.
- If you find yourself in a game with several other players, and you lose, it's recommended to not leave immediately to start a new game.
Try spectating until the end of the game, waiting along with the other players.
This is what most of the SMB35 community players do, so as to not end up in different games
Also since this server has less players now, you may still end up waiting outside the game as everyone else in the game waits for the current game to end.
It's encouraged to use the Shoutbox at this time to chat with the other players.
tl;dr: Instructions for Power Users
Hack your Switch, install Atmosphere, do anti-ban stuff like 90DNS.
Download the file in step 5, and add the IPS file in atmosphere/exefs_patches/patch to your install.
Is this legal?
It should be. We do not distribute any copyrighted or pirated data in our files, the files we distribute are only unmodified versions of the open-source projects Atmosphere and Hekate, except for some .ini files, and a single patch file that only contains a few bytes to redirect the connection. The CFW files we distribute do not even include sigpatches, so they cannot even be used to play pirated games. The server code contains zero proprietary Nintendo code, and is purely 3rd party written code (credits). We intentionally do not use any of Nintendo's Intellectual Property, and any mentions or inclusion should be so slight that it should fall under fair use.